Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


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6 entries this month

Buffy... Werewolf... and Popcorn.

14:21 Dec 30 2006
Times Read: 965

Have to tell you a little history before we start with my dream this morning. :)

Bitten by a friend last night- his stamp of a woman, draped in a blanket, laying on a stone bench. A werewolf is sitting between her legs, holding one up as he is kissing/ nuzzling it. Sexy as hell, and I know the rest of you are going EWWWW! Remember another friends profile has the sound of a wolf growls.

Safe to say- these are on my mind when I fall to sleep… ;)

I am walking on cold grass; bare feet, at a large graveyard. Full moon above me. Walking, touching the gravestones, enjoying the energy of the place when I see something. I hear a noise; see a flash of light from this big walk in mausoleum.

I walk toward it and push open the old heavy metal door, my heart racing... to find him. He is big- well over six feet tall, I would guess. Guess because he is sitting in an old torn loveseat, in front of the TV. lol

Remember Spikes lair? The TV, candles, small dorm room refrigerator? Yes sir- this werewolf had it all laid out. He is watching the TV, drinking MT. Dew. He looks up, and in that sexy growl, ask “You going to stand there all night? Close the door- is cold out.”

He pats the seat next to him, and I hear the sound from the TV. It was the theme from Buffy, Vampire Slayer. I shut the door and go sit beside the big lug, taking the bag of microwave popcorn her hands me, still hot. He takes a drink of his Mt.Dew as we both bob our heads to the music. ( Oh come on.. am I the only one who does that? LOL )

“Nice Ducks” I look down to see I am wearing the PJ set of my sisters. Damn fine time for them to show up. “Just don’t touch the duckys.” He holds his hands up, and the show starts. We turn to watch as I pull open the popcorn, crossing my legs up under me.

We sat, and watched Buffy for hours. lol

That is it.

Part of my New Years weekend plans is watching the complete Buffy series on DVD.

No werewolves allowed.

I do not drink Mt. Dew.

Popcorn is already on the kitchen counter to pop.

And yes- I am a sick puppy, thanks for noticing.




Superglued to the Coven.

16:09 Dec 29 2006
Times Read: 970

Robin3 gave me this dream.

I had to pee. I was in a dark room, waking up… standing. Funny that, I was thinking as I step forward, but something had hold of me. My bladder gave a warning. I turn to see a wall behind me, so what the hell? I tried again and I notice that my shoes were stuck. I sigh, went to bend over to see what wrong…had to pee really badly.

That is when I notice my shirt was stuck. I tried to turn, but the t-shirt would not move. My arms would move, but nothing else. I moved my hips forward… jeans stuck. Hold my legs together tightly as I really, really had to pee by then.

By this time, I realized I am in the Vampire Dove Coven, glued to the wall.

I look up and yell out “Not funny Robin. I HAVE TO PEE, DAMN IT”

I woke up, fighting the thick feather down blanket off me, laughing.

Went to pee.

Robin is an evil, evil woman.




Sock Puppet... LOL

03:20 Dec 23 2006
Times Read: 988

I am laying in bed, watching TV, when he climbs into the bed with me. I turn to him, and he is eating something out of a small bowl. He is wearing silk boxers, and a smile. “What are you eating?” “Roasted pumpkins seeds, seasoned salt. Want some.”

I opened my mouth, laying on my back, waiting for the first seed. (FYI- Never ate roasted pumpkins seeds, but it is a dream so…) In this dream, I love them, taking them from his hand, licking his fingers to taste the salt and his skin.

Then after we finished the seeds, he moved to put the bowl aside. I turn to him, and the large t-shirt I wear rises up my legs. As he turns back to me, I take my top leg over his knee, running my foot along his calf.

“You ready to meet my friend?” I smile, running a hand over his chest, and saying yes.

That is when he brings out the puppet. The sock puppet. Little eyes, a red tongue, on a white sock. Well...that is new.

He starts to speak in a child like voice. "Heelllooo. I want to be your friend. We can play, and talk...”

Woke up, laughing, turning over and going back to sleep with a smile.

RedQueen is to blame for this dream of last night.

* Note to self (again) - Do not read journals before bed time.* LOL




12 days of hell... :)

03:18 Dec 19 2006
Times Read: 1,002

She opened the door to see no one. A coughing sound comes from below and she looks down to see the elf. He wore the green and red uniform, the shoes that turn up at the end, bells on the tips. She never trusted elves.

“You Kay?” he asked in a deep tone. “Yes. Did Santa send me something?” seeing the ducky PJ’s in hr mind. She knew Santa would get them for her...

“Yeah. Here.” She took the cage he handed to her and the bird made a loud call. “What the hell is this?” “Hey- elf here. Watch the cuss words. It’s a Partridge in a Pear Tree.”

“And I want this because?” The elf gave her a shrug, and walked away. She carried the bird into her home, and places it on the coffee table.

The elf handed out the two small turtledoves. “You have to be kidding me. Tell him I said ducky. And PJ’s.”

The sounds of the 3 birds calling and chirping made the three French hens nervous before they even made it in the house. The elf smirked and walked around the poop the hens left on her porch. “Hey. Wait a minute… I can’t have all these birds in my house!”

“You have to be freaking joking.” The 4 calling birds joined the others, as she asked the elf if he had any idea how to cook a hen. The elf laughed as she yelled at the calling birds “Shut up!”

She bites into one of the 5 golden rings. “About time- I need money to feed the zoo.” The elf held his hand to his ear, unable to hear from the birds.

“They better lay golden eggs.” She herded the 6 Geese in to the full house, fighting to add them to the ten other birds. “Did you remind Santa all I wanted was the ducky PJ’s?”

“And were they going to swim? In my bath tub?” 7 swans. “Tell me- does Santa have a fetish for birds? I don't want to judge, but that is just strange."

“8 maids. Great. They can clean up after these birds. What do you mean milking? What are they going to milk? You had better not bring me any cows. No happy or sad cows. NO COW!”

“Yes ladies. Just dance your asses on in there.” After the last of the 9 ladies enter the crowed home, she shut the door and pulled the elf to her by his shirt, bending down to look into his eyes. “Those maids tried to milk the swans. I am just saying they scare me.”

She watched the ten lords leap into the living room, the birds flying, running off as they enter. The ladies joined them, and they started to dance, fallen feather flying, the sound of the birds getting louder as they moved out of the way of the dancers.“Great. Now I have a party. Should of charged a cover charge.” "True. You don't see that ever day." said the elf.

“Pipers? 11?” “Santa wanted you to have some music to dance by.” The elf watched as a geese and swan started to fight. “All I wanted was the ducky PJ’s.” She cried out. "I think you need a bass guitar." She looked at the elf, "Kiss my ass." Screw Santa- she had enough. The elf blew her a kiss and left her to the mess. "Ok.. that is enough. And stop dancing! You are just getting the birds all worked up, damn it."

“…ten, eleven, twelve drummers.” He counted to make sure all of them were here. The elf smiled as she started to pull at her hair. Santa will be so happy.




Ducky - Plan C.

21:44 Dec 08 2006
Times Read: 1,029

She smiles as Santa opens the door to his office. “Hi Santa.” She walks in, stomping her feet to clean the snow off them. “How did you get past my elves?” “Oh, them. What can I say? I told you to never trust people who wear those shoes.” She sits a rolled paper on his desk, and a metal tin. She pulled off her gloves as he closed the door, giving out one last look for help to handle his visitor. She turns to him, talking a mile a minute, pulling off her coat. “I sent you my letter. Did you get it? I had it sent registered mail this time. I told you in the letter to not trust the elves.” She walks over to him and leans in, her voice going to a whisper, “So … got to know Santa. The old wise tale about a man and his shoe size. Is it true with the elves? And is it…” She held out a finger and curled it up like the elf shoes are at the end.

He shook his head and walked away, and she sighs. Santa is in the usually talkative mood, she sees. She follows him as he walks to the tin, and picks it up. “You brought me cookies?” He smiled, knowing she could not be all evil. “Well…” He looks at her and she tries that innocent smile of hers. “It’s a long trip. And I might have eaten a few…” He pops the tin lid, turns it upside down, empty. “There is not even a crumb left.” He looks back to her and she shrugs. “Crumbs are cookies to. On the plus side, I brought you a nice tin.” She smiled, hoping that would make her a few brownie points.

He replaced the tin’s lid and she steps quickly to the rolled paper she had placed on his desk. “I came to ask for your help. I have plan, and a blueprint of the house.” She unrolled the paper, and picked four of the water balls that were on his desk to help hold the corners down. Miami, Dayton, Bahamas and… Vegas? She held it up and smiled. “So did it say in Vegas, Santa?” She winked, turning the water ball over to see the poker chips float. He graps it out of her hand and placed it back on the desk. “Why are you here, Kay?” “I was getting to that. Gees… you only jolly that one night of the year, or what?” She turned back to the paper, holding down the last corner.

“This is Connie’s house. I have all the windows marked, the doorways…” “And why would I need that?” She slaps his belly and laughs. “Is kind of silly, as you have your own way of getting in huh? But see…” she points down to the room she had a big red X on, “this is her bedroom. Now what we want is in there.” Santa rolled his eyes, and crossed his hands over his belly. “And what is it we want?” Kay turned to the old man, and smiled. “Why- we want the ducky pj's. “The what?” Kay turned to him with a sigh. “See… she has these cute little ducky pj's and she will not give them to me. So- we are going to take them.” “Steal them?” His tone of voice made her frown. “No. We are just going to…” “Take something that does not belong to us? With out permission?”

Well hell, now that you put it that way, she thought. Nevertheless, she always a fast thinker on her feet. “But she knows I am after them. She understands they will be mine.” Santa started to rub his forehead and she rushed on with her plan. “If I know my sister, and I do.” She smiles and reaches for a cookie she spotted on a plate. “The pj's will be on the chair in the bedroom. Or in the laundry room… OUCH!” She rubs her hand were Santa slap it. “Stay away from those. Mrs. Clause made those for me. And I will not help you steal.” “But it’s not stealing.” She whined.

By the look on Santa’s face, she knew she had to come up with another angle. “Look Santa…” she places her arm around his shoulders, “she knows I want them. She is unwilling to give them up. I think you should take that into account when you do the naughty and nice list.” She winks at him and smiles. “See were I am going with this?”

He had to give it to her- the Grinch would love her. “And if she is sleeping in them, then what?” He just had to know this answer. “Then you work some of that magic stuff. Give her … oh…” she reached down to his desk, flipping a thick book marked naught open, but he slammed it closed. “… Sponge Bob pj's in place of them.” “Why did you just not ask for your own pair of Ducky PJ for Christmas, instead of stealing these?” That stuns her. “Now were would the fun be in that? Pestering my sister is half the fun.” Goodness, Santa can ask some dumb questions sometimes, she though.

Santa had enough. He pulled the blueprint off his desk and pushed it to her chest. She grabs it and watches as he walks over to her coat. “It’s time for you to go, Kay.” He picked up her coat and gloves. “But we have to talk about the plan.” “No. I will not steal.” “But its not…” “Not another word if you want gifts this year.” She took her coat her held out to her, “But…” Santa held up his hand, fingers to thumb. “This is what you are doing.” Moved the fingers, like a mouth flapping. “This is what you need to do.” He closed his fingers, as he hoped her mouth would. She busted out laughing. “Funny, that looks like a duck’s bill.” She starts to make the hand gesture as he places her gloves on her coat.

“Time to go, Kay.” “But the Duckys! How will I…” “Not another word about the pj's” He warn her as he lead her by the arm to the door, her coat, gloves and map held against her chest. “Fine. But I think you need to check were YOU are on that list, Santa.” He opens the door and gives her a gentle push out the door. “I make the list, honey. And I hope you heat with coal as that is your gift for the year.” She gasps, turning to see Santa smile. “Better luck next year.” Then he slams the door in her face, and she swore she heard the word "Quake".

She pulled on her coat, stuffing the map into the jackets pocket, pulling on her gloves. “Fine. I hope the reindeer have gas on Christmas, you being behind them and all. Plan C did not work. But I will come up with something else. The duckys will be mine.” Stomping out into the snow, she started on plan D.




Novitiate. :)

21:21 Dec 04 2006
Times Read: 1,051

The alarm’s buzz did not wake me this morning. I woke, rolling over to my back, and could not go back to sleep. The alarm was set for 5:00 am, so I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder.

That is when my sister’s journal came into my mind. In her journal, she jokes of a word that has brought some jokes in our family. She played the word on hangman yesterday, and yes- won her favor. :)

I could see my self, sitting at her desk in her bedroom, playing hangman as she paced behind me. Connie loves the challenge of that little blue man. I am trying to find the word, saying out the letters. It is driving her crazy, her pacing brisker.

_O__T_ATE. I smile as she said to me, “Ok you know this. Just think about it.” I smile and just keep reading the letters I have not used yet. “I will give you a hint. It a baby nun”

I turn to her and say “Novitiate?” She closes her eyes and lets out a sigh. “Yes. That is it.” I turn back to her computer and pause. “Now what?” she ask me. “Just because I can say it does not mean I know how to spell it.” I tell her.

Her hand grabs the back of my shirt, and pulls me out of the chair. “Get out of my chair, now.” I smile and move to the hallway. “Fine. I am going to get something to drink.” I hear her words, “Love the girl but she can not spell worth shit.” I stick my head back into her room, and spell out worth shit. Sticking my tongue out at her, she call’s me a bad name that starts with a B. We both laughed as I turned back to the hallway.

The alarm wakes me, and I smile at the silly dream. Just wanted to share it with my sister, can see her face as she reads this. Its put a smile on my face all day. :) lol

Love ya, Connie!



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